children playing outdoors with chalk

Benefits of Playing Outdoors

As children learn and grow, there are many benefits to playing outdoors.
Promoting play in an outdoor environment can help promote development in many
areas: exposure to various sensory experiences, fine and gross motor skills, emotional
regulation, communication skills, attention, and many others. There are endless ways
children can benefit from spending time outdoors. Listed below are some fun activities
to partake in with your child. Please note that adult supervision is recommended to
ensure the safety of your child.

  • Rock painting
  • Nature scavenger hunt
  • Flower jewelry
  • Leaf rubs
  • Mud or sand castles
  • Twig string art
  • Nature themed sensory bins (water, dirt, leaves, grass, sticks, rocks)
  • Homemade boat races
  • Chalk art
  • Building fairy houses
  • Tree climbing
  • Sidewalk chalk interactive sensory-motor paths
  • Nature obstacle courses
  • Building a snowman
  • Fossil dig in sandbox

Pediatric physical, occupational, and speech therapists participate in variations of these
activities during therapy sessions to support each child’s development. If you have
concerns about your child’s ability to participate in any of the activities or skills listed
above, please schedule a physical, occupational, or speech therapy evaluation to
address these concerns.

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