Self-regulation – Calming & Alerting Tools

Below is a list of calming/alerting strategies to assist with self-regulation:

  • Breathing exercises (figure eight breathing, pinwheel, bubbles, blow a feather or cotton ball across the room or table with mouth/straw).
  • Physical exercise (wall pushes, chair push-ups, going for a walk, running, jumping, climbing, yoga).
  • Take a break or walk away from the situation.
  • Finger pulls, give self a hug, squeeze a pillow or stuffed animal, joint compression.
  • Talk to someone.
  • Asking for help.
  • Draw a picture, journal, draw with chalk, play with sand, play with shaving cream, doe mazes, dot to dot activities.
  • Read a book.
  • Name things alphabetically to divert attention (animals, foods, places).
  • Weighted blanket or lap pad, weighted stuffed animal.
  • Pet/play with animals.
  • Chew gum or another crunchy snack.
  • Fidgets.
  • Watch TV or a movie.
  • Whisper the alphabet forward/backward, count to 10, whisper favorite song.

Children often have a difficult time being able to self-regulate after becoming upset, too excited, or angry. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Skills to target with this activity are:

  • Bilateral motor coordination
  • Color identification and matching
  • Tactile Sensory
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Improves logic and reasoning
  • Fine motor skills

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