Little cute baby boy in white clothes playing with shells on a sandy beach by the sea.

Concerned About Autism?

Frequent characteristics associated with autism are:

  • Social Communication:
    • Limited use of gestures (i.e., giving, showing, waving, clapping, pointing)
    • Delayed speech
    • Stopped using words that they used to have
    • Uses another person’s hand as a tool (i.e., putting their parent’s hand on a jar to open the lid)
    • Decreased eye contact
    • Echolalia (i.e., repeating other’s speech)
    • Does not respond when their name is called
    • Does not share enjoyment or interest with others
  • Repetitive Behaviors and Restricted Interests:
    • Hand flapping, finger tensing
    • Self-injurious behaviors (i.e., head banding, biting self, pinching self)
    • Attachment to unusual kinds of objects (i.e., wooden spoons, fly sweaters, plates)
    • Lining objects up or repeating actions over and over again

If any of these characteristics describe your child, please speak to your pediatrician, speech therapist, occupational therapist, or physical therapist about your concerns.

Sensory Solutions is now certificated to complete the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2, which is the gold standard to diagnose autism.

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