Using Short Animated Videos in Speech Therapy
Pragmatics refers to how everyone uses language within social communication. Thereare three different components including: There are many benefits to using pragmatic language videos. These
Pragmatics refers to how everyone uses language within social communication. Thereare three different components including: There are many benefits to using pragmatic language videos. These
Play is an inherent and natural activity for children, serving as a vehicle for exploration, creativity, and learning. Incorporating play into the home setting creates
It is very important to work with your child on their speech sound (also known as articulation) goals in the home setting. It is in
Sensory Bins are utilized in Speech, Occupational and Physical therapy and are a great form oftactile play for children of all ages to enjoy. They
What is a communication temptation? Communication temptations are when an environment or situation is manipulated to encourage someone to communicate in order to get a
Myth #1: AAC will hinder or stop a child’s speech development. Fact #1: Research has shown that AAC may improve and enhance a child’s spoken
Visual supports are pictures, objects, or signs to help increase communication. When verbal and auditory communication is not practical. It can help with any pediatric