Author: Sheree

Fortified Foods for Kids

You may have heard of a food being fortified with something, but what does this mean? Fortified (or fortification) means that vitamins and minerals have

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Pediatric Nutrition Supplements

When is it appropriate to give your child a pediatric nutrition supplemental beverage? Pediatric supplements such as Pediasure, Carnation Instant Breakfast, and other nutritionally fortified

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Pediatric Iron Deficiency

Consuming a diet rich in iron is essential to children’s overall growth and development. Dietary iron is needed to make hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in

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Flexible Seating Options

Flexible seating options have been shown to increase a child’s attention during seated tasks. These options could include an air cushion/wiggle disc, vibrating cushion, therapy/yoga

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Transition Skills

In pediatric occupational therapy, we work on many skills necessary to improve function in a child’s daily life such as feeding, attending school and having

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Sign Language for Children

Many speech-language pathologists use both verbal language and sign language in therapy sessions to facilitate communication with children. Sign language can serve as a bridge

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Jenga is a great family game to play, not only is it fun to play, but it also helps your children with the following: precise

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Wilbarger Protocol

The Wilbarger Protocol, also known as Brushing Therapy, or The Wilbarger Deep PressureProtocol (WDPP) utilizes deep touch pressure and joint proprioception. The Wilbarger protocol aids

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Food Chaining

What is food chaining? This approach to feeding takes preferred foods that the child is eating and builds off of those to introduce new foods.

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AAC Myths and Facts | Sensory Solutions

AAC Myths and Facts

Myth #1: AAC will hinder or stop a child’s speech development. Fact #1: Research has shown that AAC may improve and enhance a child’s spoken

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Visual Supports | Sensory Solutions

Visual Supports

Visual supports are pictures, objects, or signs to help increase communication. When verbal and auditory communication is not practical. It can help with any pediatric

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Transition Strategies For Kids - Sensory Solutions

Transition Strategies

Transitioning between activities is a common trigger for meltdowns, tantrums, and undesired behaviors in children. Below is a list of tips and tricks to make

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bedtime routines

Bedtime Routine For Kids

Getting quality sleep is essential for children.  Bedtime routines are a consistent, repetitive set of activities that are carried out before bed every night. They

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Benefits of Co-Treatments 

When it comes to therapy, whether that be occupational therapy, physical therapy, or speech therapy, quantity does not always beat quality. Co-treatments between disciplines could

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Oral Reflexes and Feeding

Babies are born with seven reflexes that assist them with feeding. In the typical developing baby, these reflexes integrate or “disappear,” and the baby then

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What is ACC?

AAC, or Augmentative and Alternative Communication, includes all forms of communication (other than oral speech) used to express thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas. (American Speech-Language Association)

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What is TeleHealth?

Telehealth is a means for receiving therapy remotely. Utilizing the webcam and microphone on your computer or smartphone, you will connect with your therapist online.

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